Very pleased to show one of my latest pieces “Droids” (30”x30” Up-Cycled surface) I will continue posting these over the next few weeks with sizes/prices ranging from large to small.. 🙏🏼
This piece/series are a study around the idea of what commonplace things in our society will be changing in the very near future around the rise of robotics and AI technology. While some aspects of this change are terrifying to me this series is less about my opinion and more so about what things will look 10-20 years from now..? Will signs like this or something similar designate No Robot zones? Hope you guys like the idea and look forward to sharing more soon.. ✌️
Regardless of your views we are at a place that humanity (at least as we’ve known it) has never been before. In my humble opinion once these tools we’ve created cease to need some kind of human influence we’ll be faced with a whole new world.. perhaps these Signs won’t be so out of place.
Thank you for looking and please keep pouring passion into whatever it is you do .. 🙏🏼